EAN 5056444701114
MSRP (UK) £139.99
Length 257
Weight (g) 785
Blowback Yes
Feet Per Second 270 - (VORSK V6, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
300 - (VORSK V8, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
Fire Modes Semi Auto
Inner Barrel 112
Inner Barrel Bore (mm) 6.03
Rail System/ Handguards Non Railed
Materials Slide & Frame - Aluminium Alloy
Pistol Grip - Wood & Rubber
Internal Mechanisms - Steel, Brass & Aluminium Alloy
Feed Lips/ Nozzles - Polymer
Compatible Magazines VGM-03-02 - MEU Series 21R STD Gas Magazine
VGM-03-04 - MEU Series 21R STD CO2 Magazine
VGM-03-01 - MEU Series 36R EXT Gas Magazine
VGM-03-03 - MEU Series 36R EXT CO2 Magazine
Compatible Batteries / Gas VCP-GAS-V6 - V6 GBB Fuel
VCP-GAS-V8 - V8 GBB Fuel
Included (x1) VORSK CS Defender Pro
(x1) MEU 21R Gas Magazine
(x1) Barrel Bushing Tool
(x1) CO2 Conversion Kit (Nozzle + Spring)
(x1) Spare Barrel Bushing
(x1) Spare Gas Nozzle
(x1) Manual
(x1) Parts Diagram
(x1) VORSK PVC Patch
Other Info/Specs CNC Finished Slide
Hydrostatic Paint Finish
TM/WE Compatible
  • Twist & Click VORSK Compensator with spare Barrel Bushing
  • V-Notch Iron Sights/ Raised Fibre Optic Iron Sights + BDS
  • Dual High Stipple, Rubber + Real Wood Hand Grip
  • Rippled MEU Upper Slide + Rippled Slide Grips
  • Functioning Beaver Tail Grip Safety
  • Slide Lock Latch
  • Available as a CONTRAST Double Pack or Dual Tone Blue Double Pack
  • Available with/ without BDS fitted
  • Available in Silver-Black / Black-Silver / Black / Complete Black / Brushed Aluminium / Dual Tone Blue


The DEFENDER PRO has an entirely new slide featuring 3 forward vent ports, a top slide ripple pattern and rippled slide grips. The design of the vent ports has been incorporated unto a new “twist and click” moderator that is very easy to remove. Included is a spare barrel bushing if it is the non-moderated look that is required. The pistol grips are a split wood/polymer construction, this leads to a striking design. Finally, a solid trigger is being used for the first time on a VORSK model.


Customers will receive their GBB replicas in a magnetically sealed box with Velcro patch holders and a Manual sleeve, allowing the box to be used for display and storage at home should the customer wish.


This MEU GBB Pistol is available in traditional monochrome colours – Black, Chrome & Brushed Aluminium with a Dual Tone Blue option available. The flagship Chrome/ Black and Black/ Chrome design is available as a contrasting double pack, as well as the Dual Tone Blue option.