EAN 5056444708502
MSRP (UK) £139.99
Length 209
Weight (g) 874
Blowback Yes
Feet Per Second 300 - (VORSK V6, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
320 - (VORSK V8, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
Fire Modes Semi Auto
Inner Barrel 96
Inner Barrel Bore (mm) 6.03
Rail System/ Handguards 20mm Frame Rail
Materials Slide & Frame - Aluminium Alloy
Pistol Grip - HIPS Polymer
Internal Mechanisms - Steel, Brass & Aluminium Alloy
Feed Lips/ Nozzles - Polymer
Compatible Magazines VGM-02-01 - Hi-Capa Series 23R STD GAS Magazine
VGM-02-02 - Hi-Capa Series 23R STD CO2 Magazine
VGM-02-03 - Hi-Capa Series 23R STD GAS Magazine (Vengeance)
VGM-02-04 - Hi-Capa Series 48R EXT GAS Magazine
Compatible Batteries / Gas VCP-GAS-V6 - V6 GBB Fuel
VCP-GAS-V8 - V8 GBB Fuel
Included (x1) VORSK CS VENGEANCE 3.8 Compact
(x1) Hi-Capa Vengeance 23R STD GAS Magazine
(x1) 12mm (CW) to 14mm (CCW) Thread Adaptor Flash Hider (Fitted)
(x1) Barrel Bushing Tool
(x1) CO2 Conversion Kit (Nozzle + Spring)
(x1) Spare Gas Nozzle
(x1) Spare O-Ring Set
(x1) Manual
(x1) Parts Diagram
(x1) VORSK PVC Patch
Other Info/Specs CNC Finished Slide
Hydrostatic Paint Finish
TM/WE Compatible
  • COMPACT – 3.8” Hi-Capa Model
  • Floating BDS Option
  • 12 mm (CW) to 14 mm (CCW) Thread Adaptor FLASH HIDER
  • Rail Cut-Outs & Etch Lines
  • Functioning Beaver Tail Safety
  • Fluted Outer Barrel
  • Fibre Iron Sights
  • Flared Magwell
  • Extended Magazine Base Plate
  • Scaled Polymer VORSK Grip


The CS VENGEANCE is VORSKs first Hi-Capa variant to come through their Custom Shop range, and what a Hi-Capa it is. Based on a popular race-platform sidearm, VORSK have furthered this design by introducing a floating BDS option to the world of Airsoft Replicas. Add to this a distinct range of colours including a Metallic Red, and a Dark Earth/ Tan variant, the CS VENGEANCE is another desirable airsoft sidearm from VORSK.


The CS VENGEANCE features an adjustable rear iron-sight, an extended magazine base plate and the inclusion of a floating BDS option. The slide markings are a new pattern with some forward cut-outs revealing the fluted outer barrel within. A common feature of our Hi-Capas is the inclusion of a Flash-Hider, that expertly covers a 12 mm (CW) to 14 mm (CCW) thread adaptor, making VORSK Hi-Capas “attachment ready”, especially with the real-estate provided by the Picatinny under barrel.


Customers will receive their VORSK VENGEANCE in a magnetically sealed box with Velcro patch holders and a Manual sleeve, allowing the box to be used for display and storage at home should the customer wish.


The VORSK VENGEANCE is available at two different barrel lengths – the Compact 3.8” model, and the standard 5.1”.