EAN 5056444717979
MSRP (UK) £109.99
Length 223 - 342
Blowback Yes
Feet Per Second 310 - (VORSK V6, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
330 - (VORSK V8, 0.20g BB at 20°c)
+20 when Barrel Extension Fitted
Fire Modes Semi Auto
Inner Barrel 113
Inner Barrel Bore (mm) 6.03
Rail System/ Handguards 20mm Frame Rail
Materials Slide & Frame - Aluminium Alloy
Pistol Grip - HIPS Polymer
Internal Mechanisms - Steel, Brass & Aluminium Alloy
Feed Lips/ Nozzles - Polymer
Compatible Magazines VGM-02-05 - VX-14 Series 23R STD GAS Magazine
VGM-02-07 - VX-14 Series 23R STD GAS Magazine (REQUIEM)
VGM-02-01 - Hi-Capa Series 23R STD GAS Magazine
VGM-02-02 - Hi-Capa Series 23R STD CO2 Magazine
VGM-02-04 - Hi-Capa Series 48R EXT GAS Magazine
Compatible Batteries / Gas VCP-GAS-V6 - V6 GBB Fuel
VCP-GAS-V8 - V8 GBB Fuel
Included (x1) VX-14 Airsoft Replica
(x1) Hi-Capa VX-14 23R STD GAS Magazine
(x1) Barrel Extender & Suppressor
(x1) CO2 Spring
(x1) LP Gas Nozzle (for extension kit)
(x1) Spare O-Ring Set
(x1) Manual
(x1) Parts Diagram
(x1) VORSK PVC Patch
Other Info/Specs CNC Finished Slide
Hydrostatic Paint Finish
TM/WE Compatible
  • Barrel Extending Suppressor Kit
  • Integrated Iron Sight Slide Ridge Rail
  • Green Fibre-Optic Sights
  • Adjustable Hop-Unit
  • “1911” Profiled Slide & Trigger Guard (Holster Compatibility)
  • Hi-Capa Magazine
  • Threaded Inner & Outer Barrel

The VX-14 is a GBB Airsoft Pistol that brings together features usually found on Hi-Capa and 1911/MEU airsoft replicas. Using the double stacked powerhouse that is the Hi-Capa magazine you can be assured of the performance of this airsoft replica as it delivers BBs downrange with an incredibly satisfying recoil experience. The half length rail and curved trigger guard taken from 1911/MEU models ensures 1911 holster compatibility whilst also delivering a slightly more ‘traditional’ look when compared to the more audacious Hi-Capa series. The slide features green fibre sights, tied together front and rear by the integrated slide ridge rail that was first seen on the VX-9 AGENCY from VORSK. This ridge rail adds some noticeable weight to the slide and is a very satisfying experience when bouncing off of the return spring during engagements. It also boosts the side-profile of the pistol giving it a very bulky look when compared to standard 1911/MEU models. Another borrowed feature from the AGENCY is the inclusion of the 6.03mm Tightbore Barrel Extending Suppressor Kit that will help deliver a small boost in FPS and Range, great for the target range and completing the look of this imposing sidearm. The pistol grip is injection moulded plastic, providing a suitably sturdy yet noticeably chunky grip due to the double stacked magazine within. The grip features a wave-“v” pattern which is also found on the Mag-Release button, another nice touch.


With modern pistol features such as fibre sights, polymer grips and contemporary styling all applied to the typically traditional, 1911 frame profile - the VX-14 is bound to be a head-turner in the safe-zone whilst being an effective sidearm on the field.