Brand Bolt
EAN 5060644103494
MSRP (UK) £384.99
Length 810mm ~ 890mm
Weight (g) 2900
Blowback No
Fire Modes Semi/Full-Auto
Inner Barrel 370
Inner Barrel Bore (mm) 6
Rail System/ Handguards URX3 Rail
Materials Aluminum/ABS
Compatible Magazines BOLT 70R / 140R / 300R Magazine
Compatible Batteries / Gas 11.1V 15C 1000mAh
7.4V 22C 1650mAh
Other Info/Specs B.R.S.S.

B.R.S.S. system simulates the recoil force of a real rifle by transferring the kinetic energy from piston to the reciprocating weight hammer inside the stock using a high efficient energy transferring mechanism.


Military - Knights Armament


Knights series is the first licensed model by well known firearm manufacture in USA. SR-16 URX3.1 12-inch rail are designed with original size, known as BOLT’s best production.